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Debra Bovan HEALing QHHT NJ_edited.png

Just When the Caterpillar Thought the World was Over


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Light Worker

Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT

Level 3 High Priestess of the Magdalenes Order of the Blue Rose

Level 3 Acasma Quantum Energy Certified as a Galactic Shamanic Practitioner

A Channel of the Language of Light and Light Weaving

Usui and Holy Fire Reiki Master 

After a series of personal trauma and near-death experiences; she began to question the meaning of life and if there was a God. She began to become even more aware of the unseen around her and one day was given the message from her Angels; “We kept you from being killed. We have always been with you.” Shortly thereafter she discovered Dolores Cannon and “Life made sense”.  Great healing began to occur personally; and Debra felt guided to further help others recognize that they too hold all the answers and that self-healing can occur if desired.


Debra is a Reiki Master and a level 2 Priestess of the Magdalenes and Order of the Blue Rose. She is also a certified level 2 Practitioner of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and channel of the language of light. Debra offers various services to assist you in connecting to your greatest and highest good on a Quantum level and to assist you in ACTIVATING and REMEMBERING the DIVINE YOU. She receives angelic and galactic guidance and will incorporate light language, crystals and messages from other realms into select services.

Image by Dynamic Wang
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Make Peace With Your Life Using


QHHT or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueâ„   was developed by Dolores Cannon over 50 years ago. With QHHT®, the client achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. This is the part of the mind that holds the symbols, pictures and memories. This state allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. Some people call this the Higher Self, the Over Soul, the Super Conscious.


With QHHT®, the client views one or more lifetimes in which there is information that will assist the client in gaining an understanding of why things are the way they are and to have an opportunity for healing past trauma and ancestral timelines. Once the Higher Self has been contacted during a QHHT® session, I will ask it to identify and explain the cause behind any problem, to scan the client’s physical body and to identify any areas that are out of balance or in need of healing. I will then ask the Higher Self if it is permissible and possible to heal the condition. If the Higher Self agrees, healing will take place. The client is ultimately creating change and healing within themselves. 

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Connecting to Your "I AM"



A Sacred Soul Expansion Energy Healing session assists in the activation, alignment and the unlocking of codes of remembrance to anchor in more Love and Light into the body. Sacred Geometry, symbols, energetic codes and keys of light are delivered that will assist the client to activate healing and release of what is no longer serving them and to realign with their zero point. Quantum Healing Energy, toning and the language of light will be used during the session. Crystals will be intuitively placed creating a crystal grid around you. Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are also utilized during this energy healing to further bathe you in high vibrational sound and to assist in releasing energies no longer needed. The tones produced by the crystal bowls work with your energy centers or chakras for healing, balancing and activation.


Debra may also receive channeled messages from your angels, guides, council of light, ancestors, galactic beings, ascended masters and goddess energy. These will be shared with you. .

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Past Life Regression is a Remarkable Rebooter that helps you


 This is a fun way to find information that you would like to know. 

In an individual or group setting; you will be guided into a lighter trance level or hypnosis state. 


In this trance state; you will be accessing the information from the right side of your brain. This is the part of the brain that holds the pictures, your imagination and the memories. It is the part of your brain that allows you to visualize and use your senses.


You will experience a past life regression, an opportunity to meet your Guardian Angel or Spirit Guide and then to see a future life.


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